What vipassana is – understand vipassana Meditation

Vipassana Meditation is one of the most effective ways to overcome stress and anxiety. An ancient Buddhist practice that has now made its way to modern-day Western society. Find out exactly what Vipassana is…

What exactly is Vipassana Meditation and how does it compare with other types of meditations or meditative practices such as mindfulness techniques?

what vipassana is

What vipassana is

Vipassana (Pali) means insight into reality. This ancient practice was developed in India over two thousand years ago. The word translates to ‘seeing things as they are, and it has become a powerful tool for personal development.

There are four main principles of Vipassana. They include:

1. Awareness – awareness of each moment

2. Sensory control – being able to sense objects clearly without becoming attached to them

3. Mindfulness – paying attention to all internal and external stimuli

4. Concentration – focusing on a single object in order to achieve full concentration on it .

Benefits of Vipassana Meditation

The benefits of this type of mediation can be very profound. Vipassana meditation helps one gain self-awareness & clarity. It also teaches us to accept life without judgment or attachment.

The process of learning to observe the world around you without reacting/judging begins when you first sit down to meditate. As your meditation session progresses you will start to notice more about yourself. You will see that thought come and go, and emotions arise and pass away while you’re sitting there. With time through consistent practice, you understand that you’re not your mind or body. In fact, we aren’t even our own minds.

Once you’ve understood this key concept you’ll never look at anything else the same way again!

Vipassana is the predominant Buddhist meditation practice in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there was an important revival of this early form of meditation practice led by the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma. Following Mahasi Sayadaw’s death in 1982, Sayadaw U Pandita was chosen as his principal preceptor. U Pandita was one of the world’s leading teachers of Vipassana meditation and was an important influence on many teachers in the West, including Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein of the Insight Meditation Society. He was the founder and abbot of Panditarama Meditation Centre in Yangon, Myanmar.

Source: lionsroar.com

Vipassana meditation (insight meditation) is one of the most popular forms of Buddhism practiced today. This form of meditation is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha. It helps you to understand how things work around us, and what we can do about it. In fact, it teaches us to see reality clearly.

In the beginning stages of the practice, there is no goal to achieve. You just want to experience the present moment without judgment. However, over time, you begin to gain insights into yourself and others. You start seeing the truth behind everything. And eventually, you reach a state where nothing else matters.

This is truly a life-changing experience. Here are some of the benefits associated with it:

  • Self-awareness
  • Emotional control
  • Improved relationships
  • Better Health
  • A deeper understanding of mindfulness techniques
  • Exploring the true nature of self

What happens at 10-day Vipassana silent retreats?

What does the actual practice of vipassana meditation look like? You can expect to learn the Vipassana insights meditation techniques by attending dharma talks, silent meditations, mindful classes, and Buddhist teachings during your stay at the retreat center.

A course or Vipassana meditation retreat lasts for approximately ten (10) consecutive nights. You will be required not to contact anyone outside the retreat or speak to anyone inside the retreat except for teachers during designated question time periods.

During these times, you can soak up the wisdom of your teacher and offer your experiences to better understand the process.

You will be required to give up your own phone, tablets, laptops, etc., eat only the food provided for meals, attend the early morning sessions, avoid eye-to-eye communication with others, and dress in simple, modest clothing as prescribed by Buddhist tradition.

It’s intense and can sometimes feel like an extreme experience.

But, it’s worth exploring.

It’s an opportunity to sit and really meditate on your feelings, your life, and where you are going alongside an experienced teacher and a like-minded meditation group.

It is a truly rewarding experience and a form of meditation like no other.

Source: bookretreats.com

Vipassana Silent Retreats locations

Vipassana meditation courses are available all over the globe in some of the most breathtaking, grounding locations on Earth.

From the provocative cliffs of Ireland to the massive mountains of the Himalayas, you can find the perfect Vipassana setting just for you.

The Art of Living – The Life-Changing Vipassana Experience

Vipassana has gained so much popularity within our modern-day world because it has truly changed many people’s lives by changing their perspectives on their realities. It can both be deeply healing as it guides you through moving past certain challenges and even traumas in your life through deep introspection. 

It has been said that it can be a universal remedy for gaining insight into our daily life and how we approach them in a more mindful way. It also deepens your understanding of the different forms of meditation, techniques of meditation, types of meditations, meditative practices, and mindfulness techniques.


In conclusion, I would say that if you have ever thought about taking a Vipassana Meditation Course but were put off by the thought of having to cut out all worldly distractions, then this course might actually suit you very well. The course itself has very limited resources, which forces students to focus completely on a mindfulness practice. Furthermore, the course does not require any kind of financial commitment from you, making it one of the most accessible ways towards gaining a deeper insight into self and learning about the true nature of the ancient techniques of mindfulness.

About author: bianca

Yoga and meditation instructor, holistic personal trainer, nutritional advisor, website and content designer, blog writer, professional dancer, performing artist, voice-over actor, and choreographer.