What is Abraham Hicks law of attraction

Abraham Hicks said: “We attract within our experience something that matches our vibration.”

What is Abraham Hicks law of attraction

What is Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction? How does the law of attraction work exactly? You might be thinking.

Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction

One of the most famous proponents of the Law of Attraction was Abraham Hicks. They explain that every thought you have, positive or negative, creates a vibration that attracts things into your life.

However this can go either way – both negative and positive experiences can be called in through this depending on which vibrational frequency we are operating on, if you want to create a new reality, you need to change your thinking. This means changing your thoughts from negative to positive and focusing on the solutions instead of the problems.

The Law of attraction is a philosophical concept, concerning the subconscious mind, that suggests that our thoughts create reality. The law states that what we think about (and therefore believe as true) comes to us. If you focus on something positive, then you will get positive results. If you focus on negative things, then you will attract negative things. This is not supported by scientific evidence but it certainly has millions of people believing in the concept.

There are many different ways to think about the Law of Attraction. Some people believe that everything that happens in our lives is a result of what we focus on. Others believe that everything that happens is a result of what is already present within us. Still, others believe that everything that happens comes from both our own thoughts and external factors. Regardless of what you think, the basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that whatever we put out into the universe comes back to us. So if we feel sad, then we will attract sadness into our lives. If we feel happy, then we will attract happiness into our lives for a happier life. 

You are what you think. You attract what you focus on. You get what you give out. If you keep focusing on negative thoughts, then you will attract more negativity. If you focus on positivity, you attract and call in more of that energy and experiences. We can therefore practice reframing negative thoughts to positive ones. When you hear someone say something negative about you, change your response. If you are not happy with yourself, change your thoughts. Positive affirmations can help with this.

If you’re looking for a quick fix, then the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem like the right answer. However, if you want to change your perspective on life, then the Law of attraction can help you achieve that goal. It can also help you stay motivated when you feel discouraged.

Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, once said: “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” The idea that we attract what we put out has clearly been around since ancient times, and many credit Buddha with first introducing this notion to the world.

Source: mindbodygreen.com


The 3 foundations of the Law of Attraction

1. Like attracts like

The Law of Attraction suggests that like attracts like. Working with the Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Dreams May Sound Straightforward, But It Actually Involves Careful Intention, Action, And A Degree Of Surrender.Like Attracts Like Even If We’re Not Conscious Of It.

We’re Always “Attracting” Positivity Or Negativity Based On The Energy We’re Putting Out Ourselves. Positive energy and positive thinking attract more positive energy and the same goes for negative energy or negative outcomes.

“We Are All Like Magnets, Both Reflecting And Attracting What We Hold In Our Thoughts,” Explains Spiritual Author Shannon Kaiser.

Professional Intuitive Tanya Carroll Richardson Put It, The Law Of Attraction Is Like “Putting In An Order With Spirit. Then Spirit Will Look Around To Find The Best Match For Your Manifestation Request.”

You can apply the law of attraction to anything you desire. It works with everything, including money, love, health, relationships, and happiness. The key is to focus on what you want, believe that you deserve it, act as if you already have it, and let go of any guilt or shame you might feel about wanting something.

The law of attraction states that whatever we give energy to grows bigger in our lives. Think about when you were a child and someone gave you a toy car for Christmas. That night before you went to bed, did you sit down and say, “I’m going to dream about getting a real car tomorrow”? No, you played with the car! You didn’t save up your energy for a year hoping that Santa would bring you a Ferrari. So why would we expect different results in life?

2. Nature abhors a vacuum

You need to clear the clutter from your mind. Your brain needs space to think positively. You need to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. If you keep thinking negatively, you will never experience happiness. Therefore, you must declutter your mind.

3. The present is always perfect

To perfect the present moment is the final aspect of the law of attracti­on.

There will always be things to complain about if you look for things to complain about, but rather than dwelling in negativity, finding ways to improve things is fundamental to shifting your life into one that attracts what makes you happy.

It’s not to say you shouldn’t acknowledge negativity or feel any emotions related to it. Rather, it’s about acknowledging negativity, refecting on past negative experiences, and feeling any emotions related to it, but doing what you can to improve any negative situation right now and letting the rest go, so you can focus on the positive.

Visualize yourself achieving your dreams. Get clear about what you want in your life and then visualize yourself living it. Create a vision board for your dreams to keep you inspired and motivate you to achieve them. Write down three things each day that you’re grateful for.

Say it out loud! Speak out loud what you want. Say it out loud to the Universe and watch what happens! You will get synchronicities. Synchronicities happen when you say something out loud, and then you see something happening. Maybe you’ll hear a song playing in the background, or you’ll see a billboard with your name on it. Whatever it is, it’s a sign that you’re headed in the right direction.

This can be confused with living and planning in the future. It is about living in this perfect present moment, stating what you want in the future, and then trusting that it will all unfold as it should. Surrendering to what you are calling upon the Universe instead of trying to control the outcome. Being intentional. 


The law of attraction can have a huge influence on the way you approach life by altering what you think and calling in what you desire. It is magnetic beyond a physical sense and all it takes is a certain sense of awareness and a change of perspective to manifest what you want out of life. Changing your personal life experiences through changing your thoughts. 

Abraham Hicks said: “We attract within our experience something that matches our vibration.”

What is Abraham Hicks’s Law of Attraction? How does the law of attraction work exactly? You might be thinking.

One of the most famous proponents of the Law of Attraction was Abraham Hicks. They explain that every thought you have, positive or negative, creates a vibration that attracts things into your life.

However this can go either way – both negative and positive experiences can be called in through this depending on which vibrational frequency we are operating on, if you want to create a new reality, you need to change your thinking. This means changing your thoughts from negative to positive and focusing on the solutions instead of the problems.

The Law of attraction is a philosophical concept, concerning the subconscious mind, that suggests that our thoughts create reality. The law states that what we think about (and therefore believe as true) comes to us. If you focus on something positive, then you will get positive results. If you focus on negative things, then you will attract negative things. This is not supported by scientific evidence but it certainly has millions of people believing in the concept.

There are many different ways to think about the Law of Attraction. Some people believe that everything that happens in our lives is a result of what we focus on. Others believe that everything that happens is a result of what is already present within us. Still, others believe that everything that happens comes from both our own thoughts and external factors. Regardless of what you think, the basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that whatever we put out into the universe comes back to us. So if we feel sad, then we will attract sadness into our lives. If we feel happy, then we will attract happiness into our lives for a happier life. 

You are what you think. You attract what you focus on. You get what you give out. If you keep focusing on negative thoughts, then you will attract more negativity. If you focus on positivity, you attract and call in more of that energy and experiences. We can therefore practice reframing negative thoughts to positive ones. When you hear someone say something negative about you, change your response. If you are not happy with yourself, change your thoughts. Positive affirmations can help with this.

If you’re looking for a quick fix, then the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem like the right answer. However, if you want to change your perspective on life, then the Law of attraction can help you achieve that goal. It can also help you stay motivated when you feel discouraged.

Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, once said: “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” The idea that we attract what we put out has clearly been around since ancient times, and many credit Buddha with first introducing this notion to the world.

Source: mindbodygreen.com

The 3 foundations of the Law of Attraction

1. Like attracts like

The Law of Attraction suggests that like attracts like. Working with the Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Dreams May Sound Straightforward, But It Actually Involves Careful Intention, Action, And A Degree Of Surrender.Like Attracts Like Even If We’re Not Conscious Of It.

We’re Always “Attracting” Positivity Or Negativity Based On The Energy We’re Putting Out Ourselves. Positive energy and positive thinking attract more positive energy and the same goes for negative energy or negative outcomes.

“We Are All Like Magnets, Both Reflecting And Attracting What We Hold In Our Thoughts,” Explains Spiritual Author Shannon Kaiser.

Professional Intuitive Tanya Carroll Richardson Put It, The Law Of Attraction Is Like “Putting In An Order With Spirit. Then Spirit Will Look Around To Find The Best Match For Your Manifestation Request.”

You can apply the law of attraction to anything you desire. It works with everything, including money, love, health, relationships, and happiness. The key is to focus on what you want, believe that you deserve it, act as if you already have it, and let go of any guilt or shame you might feel about wanting something.

The law of attraction states that whatever we give energy to grows bigger in our lives. Think about when you were a child and someone gave you a toy car for Christmas. That night before you went to bed, did you sit down and say, “I’m going to dream about getting a real car tomorrow”? No, you played with the car! You didn’t save up your energy for a year hoping that Santa would bring you a Ferrari. So why would we expect different results in life?

2. Nature abhors a vacuum

You need to clear the clutter from your mind. Your brain needs space to think positively. You need to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. If you keep thinking negatively, you will never experience happiness. Therefore, you must declutter your mind.

3. The present is always perfect

To perfect the present moment is the final aspect of the law of attracti­on.

There will always be things to complain about if you look for things to complain about, but rather than dwelling in negativity, finding ways to improve things is fundamental to shifting your life into one that attracts what makes you happy.

It’s not to say you shouldn’t acknowledge negativity or feel any emotions related to it. Rather, it’s about acknowledging negativity, refecting on past negative experiences, and feeling any emotions related to it, but doing what you can to improve any negative situation right now and letting the rest go, so you can focus on the positive.

Visualize yourself achieving your dreams. Get clear about what you want in your life and then visualize yourself living it. Create a vision board for your dreams to keep you inspired and motivate you to achieve them. Write down three things each day that you’re grateful for.

Say it out loud! Speak out loud what you want. Say it out loud to the Universe and watch what happens! You will get synchronicities. Synchronicities happen when you say something out loud, and then you see something happening. Maybe you’ll hear a song playing in the background, or you’ll see a billboard with your name on it. Whatever it is, it’s a sign that you’re headed in the right direction.

This can be confused with living and planning in the future. It is about living in this perfect present moment, stating what you want in the future, and then trusting that it will all unfold as it should. Surrendering to what you are calling upon the Universe instead of trying to control the outcome. Being intentional. 


The law of attraction can have a huge influence on the way you approach life by altering what you think and calling in what you desire. It is magnetic beyond a physical sense and all it takes is a certain sense of awareness and a change of perspective to manifest what you want out of life. Changing your personal life experiences through changing your thoughts. 

About author: bianca

Yoga and meditation instructor, holistic personal trainer, nutritional advisor, website and content designer, blog writer, professional dancer, performing artist, voice-over actor, and choreographer.