5 reasons guided meditation on self-love is a great tool for self-care

Guided meditation on self-love
Meditation on Self-Love

Do you meditate? Do you take time out for yourself? How important is it to have a healthy self-care routine? Are you aware of the vast benefits of mindfulness? Read on to learn how guided meditation on self-love might uplevel your self-care practices.

Meditation has been around since ancient times. Most cultures believe meditation is key to living a happier life.


Self Care and engaging in self-care activities is an essential part of being a successful human being. Self Love is critical to our wellbeing. Taking time to reflect on ourselves and nurture our minds and bodies is vital to achieving happiness and inner peace. This article will explore ways of implementing these into your daily life.

5 ways Mindfulness is a Good tool for Self Care and Guided meditation on self-love

We can’t always get away from our need for activity, but there are ways to manage it so that we don’t feel too stressed out by it. When it comes to taking care of ourselves, meditation is one of our best friends. It helps us learn to calm down and relax so we can better focus on the things that matter. Here are five reasons why meditating is great for yourself.

Reasons to Add Meditation to Your Self Care Tool Kit

1. It’s a great way to de-stress.

2. It helps you feel more calm and centered.

3. It helps you focus on what matters most in life.

4. You’ll learn how to let go of things that aren’t important.

5. You’ll have more energy throughout the day!

It seems like “busy” has become something people strive for these days. We’re competing against each other to be busier than everyone else. It doesn’t sound so bad, but consider this for a moment. You may be tempted to spend some of your extra time doing nothing at all but feel guilty when you do. But if you’re like most people who need to get something done, then you’ll probably want to use that time for productive purposes instead. “I need to be productive.” “I need to do something. There’s always so much to be done!”

We then feel guilty when we end up doing nothing. We feel guilty when we take a break from our busy lives to relax. Self-Care Is Not A Crime!

Many people believe that they don’t take care of themselves because “busy is better.” But if we want to be successful in life, taking good care of ourselves needs to become an integral part of our daily routine. If we want to overcome this urge to be busy, then we must find ways to incorporate some self-care into everyday life.

Meditation has been proven effective at helping people learn to relax and take care of themselves and their deepest needs, but there are plenty of ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life without having to go through an intensive course like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

So let’s explore these reasons more…

5 reasons to meditate for self-love

It may sound weird at first, but if you’ve never meditated before or haven’t engaged in a meditative practice on a regular basis, don’t worry. There’s no right or wrong way to start or even do it. You can start by sitting quietly for a few minutes every day, or you can try a guided meditation. The important part is that you find what works best for you.

If you want to learn more about meditation check out this article: How To Meditate For Beginners

1. Practice mindfulness by practicing “Me time”

Being super busy often involves not only work but being around other people most of the time, whether at work, school, at home, social events, or even shopping – and now, that also includes taking care of your health! But when was the last time that you took some time for just yourself.

Meditating about ten minutes every day is a great way to give yourself some quality “me” time. You’ll be better prepared to handle any challenges that come your way and feel happier and more satisfied with life as a result.

It’s not just “me time” when you are by yourself; rather, it’s “me time” without any daily thoughts or distractions. Connecting, reflecting, and recharging yourself by taking quality time with your inner self. By providing myself with “me time,” I allow myself to relax, discover who I am, and improve my overall happiness and satisfaction with life.

It may seem daunting at first but once you get into it, meditating becomes second nature for most people. There are lots of different types of guided meditations available for free online. If you are looking for easy and accessible guided meditations, they’re often offered by audio streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Prime Music, Pandora, Google Play Music, YouTube Red, Tidal, Deezer, and others.

2. Meditation is for everyone and anyone

Self-care and wellness are now industry buzzwords. But, they don’t necessarily mean going to the spa or having facials every week. Self-care is an essential part of our lives whether we realize it or not. Many experts believe that taking responsibility for your health often starts with taking care of yourself.

Sometimes it is as simple as eating right, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Other times it may include attending continuing education classes, making time for social activities, and setting healthy goals. Whatever form it takes, taking care of yourself is an important step towards improving your overall well-being.

The self-care industry has grown rapidly in the past couple of years and much like the beauty industry it is fuelled and paid for by our insecurities regarding our self-worth. We are made to believe that we have to pay lots of money just to show love and care to ourselves. That is just not true!

There are many inexpensive ways to develop a regular self-care practice. Meditation is an excellent choice because it costs nothing except time. Everyone has access to it, there is plenty of information available, and it’s easily customizable.

3. Filling up our cup through mindfulness

Meditation functions as a form of physical self-care, emotional self-care, psychological self-care, personal self-care, and mental self-care.

Meditation allows you to connect with your inner self. You’ll be amazed by how much better you feel after a few minutes of meditation. You’ll also experience a reduction in negative emotions such as anger, guilt, jealousy, pride, shame, etc. There are countless benefits of meditation, but I wanted to highlight a few key ways that meditation helps with self-care.

First, meditation helps you manage stress. Stress affects us mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When stressed out, we tend to make poor decisions and negatively affect others around us. Stress can cause headaches, stomach aches, and high blood pressure. Meditating helps reduce stress, which leads to healthier decision-making, improved health, and increased happiness.

Second, meditation helps you connect with yourself. Every day, you face choices and by connecting your inner needs, wants, and desires we can tap into making mindful choices that serve us and our health in the long run. By connecting to ourselves we also learn to connect better with others – filling up your cup to pour from that cup for others.

Meditation is a self-care technique that provides benefits for multiple domains. It provides relief for your physical health by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. It also helps manage emotions. In addition, it improves the quality of your relationships and fosters greater connection to others.

Furthermore, it gives insights into yourself and facilitates self-improvement. Finally, it allows you to cultivate mindfulness towards everything around you, helping you appreciate the world and understand the importance of every moment.

This is the fundamentals of positive psychology – if we can look after our own emotional well-being and mental health through the practice of mindfulness we can greatly increase the emotional well-being of those around us too. Positive emotions are contagious! 

Furthermore, we don’t even have to be experienced meditators to achieve this!

4. Clears the mental space and organizes thoughts

When you’re constantly busy, your mind is running non-stop and easily becomes clouded. Thoughts are always buzzing through your mind about things you need to do, people you need to see, places you need to go, etc., etc. etc.

Meditating allows you to focus on what’s truly important by clearing out all the clutter from your thoughts. It’s easy for us to get lost in our busyness when we move too quickly. It’s important to take a break from time to time to reevaluate where you’re going and why. Get rid of any thoughts about things outside of your control by focusing on what you can change. It’s important to prioritize things that need to be done.

Regardless of how busy you might be, there’s always time to take five minutes out of every hour to focus on yourself and recharge your batteries so that you’re better equipped to deal with whatever comes next.

Meditation allows you to completely clear your head of thoughts and distractions. You’ll find yourself better able to focus on what truly matters, and less prone to overthinking or being distracted by all manner of nonsense.

Meditation helps your brain stay calm by reenergizing your nervous system. You can also reduce stress by calming your thoughts and relaxing your body. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out if you aren’t aware of what’s happening in your life. But meditation helps you get back into control again (or often letting go of things out of our control) by letting you focus on the present.

5. Leading a mindful life through a mindfulness practice

Along the same lines as mental clarity, comes the importance of mindfulness. Mindfulness is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.” That’s basically the mental state you achieve during meditation.

So through practicing meditation, you can learn to be mindful in your day-to-day life, meaning you’ll learn to slow down and savor the present moment. That’s really the goal here. To understand that you don’t have to be constantly busy and that it’s okay to take things slowly and enjoy your life to the fullest. Take the time to see the positives in every day, and escape the cycle of rushing through each week and living for the weekend. There’s so much more to be grateful for in the world and it’s important to be intentional about what we choose to do, and enjoy the things we put our energy into.


The idea behind mindfulness meditation is that you’re supposed to become aware of your surroundings without judgment or negativity. It’s meant to help you focus on the positive aspects of life, even if you’re having a bad day. It helps you detach yourself from negative emotions but also gives you a sense of calmness throughout the entire process.

Meditation has been proven effective in helping people gain a better perspective on themselves and improve their overall well-being. This effect has been shown in studies involving both young and old adults. While most people tend to think of meditating as something you need to sit cross-legged on a cushion in silence, there are many different ways to practice mindfulness. You could try listening to music or talking out loud, walking around your neighborhood, or doing some form of exercise. Find whatever works for you!

Loving Kindness Meditation

Try it: loving-kindness meditation practice for self-love

Or try it here on the Insight Timer app:


In conclusion, taking care of ourselves is of utmost importance. We often neglect ourselves and put others’ needs first. There is however a time to be selfish. There is a time to slow down, take a step back and treat yourself in whatever capacity you need to be treated with love and compassion. Through loving-kindness meditation, we practice compassion towards ourselves and ultimately this relates to how we treat others too. 

About author: bianca

Yoga and meditation instructor, holistic personal trainer, nutritional advisor, website and content designer, blog writer, professional dancer, performing artist, voice-over actor, and choreographer.